Pat Scott
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Pat Scott - SAAMAG Organizer:

Prepping?  Prepping is nothing new.  My grandparents were preppers.  Nobody bothered to tell them that was what they were.  Prepping was a way of life.  Meals were started with a prayer of thanks and a request for blessing.

Everybody and everything had a purpose.  Very little was thrown away, and nothing was wasted.  Things were "re-purposed."  Very little was purchased.  Almost everything was made on the farm or traded for.

Harvests were preserved and stored to last until the next harvest, with a enough extra to be shared.  Animals were fed before people.

I have attempted to follow the way of life my grandparents taught me, a tradition of self-sufficient living and preparation for life's disasters.  I don't claim to be an expert on anything but I do know a little about a lot.  I have been blessed with learning from wise family members, as well as knowledgeable and talented instructors.

I enjoy "paying forward" that knowledge and skills.

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